Shollu is islamic software that have main purpose to give warning, message or information to the user if prayer time is almost arrived in few minutes or is already arrived. So the user can prepare him self to get ready for pray.
Here are some key features of "Shollu" :
· Small executable size.
· Support for multi language, except for unicode.
· Time format between HH:mm:ss or HH:mm
· There are about 40 nice skin.
· Support many cities in the world, included about 2.341 locations major cities in teh world and also 400 indonesian cities. If you need other locations you can download separated file that cover about 200 countries with more than 5 milion places.
· Time calculation based on Lattitude, Longitude, Altitude, Time zone and others.
· Automatic information message before, on oand after prayer times.
· Message for friday prayer.
· Ability to show message from audio-video file for adzan (mp3, wav, mid, midi, rmi or video like avi, mpg, asf etc, depend on your computer).
· Task Scheduler which have features :
- Standar message with Information, Error, Qarning and Question Icon.
- Run another program or application (type : command)
- Shutdown and Hibernate PC (hibernate for win 2000 or Xp only)
- Frequently : daily, weekly, monthly, only once (yearly) and when the program start.
- Easy edit the task file (task.dat)
- Show message with scrolling text
· Conversion Tanggal between Hijriyah and Masehi.
· Show information about prayer today times at specific duration time.
· Create a prayer times table :
- Time format between HH:mm:ss or HH:mm
- Select custom date
- Format HTML, CSV and TSV
- Show Date in Hijriyah and Mesehi
- Customize color.